Thursday, April 25, 2013

Oh So Animated

Happy Girl

 The one good thing about having a baby in your forties is that you have more ultra sounds.  I just had our 32 week ultra sound which was amazing.  I could have stayed in the room all day watching my baby girl kick, open her eyes, and suck her fingers. She was wide awake and moving all around during the process.
The ultra sound tech was fascinated by her expressions that she took a total of 15 pictures for us to keep rather than the 3 or 4 that most people receive. 

Everything measured perfect, she had plenty of fluid between her and the uterus and her heartbeat was nice and strong.  My Doctor said she had no reason to believe I would have any difficulties in the coming weeks and that I should be able to have a successful vaginal birth.  

Sucking Fingers

When she was done with all of the measurements, she estimated that our baby was approximately 4 pounds, 4 ounces.  Assuming at this point that the babies grows 1/2 pound every week, she estimated that our baby would be about 7 1/2 pounds at birth, give or take a half a pound.  I was so relieved to hear that.

Our next ultra sound is at the end of May and then we get to have one every week thereafter until I deliver. This helps my Doctor confirm that the baby is growing on track and to confirm that there are no issues with the placenta. 
Eyes Open
Sweet Smile

I wish you could see my facial expressions as I sit here and think about the fact that we only have seven weeks to go...


  1. Oh...sooooo Happy for you two!!! Thank you for sharing...she will look just like this in color of course when you hold her for the first time. What a precious, precious, precious gift. Praise God!!!!!

  2. Oh we can't wait to meet her! So exciting!
