Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Body is Being Invaded By...

Oh the Many Unpleasant Symptoms of Pregnancy! 
According to Wikipedia, a Geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition of the tongue affecting approximately 3% of as 2012. It is characterized by discolored regions of taste buds or sometimes even cracks in the surface of the tongue. The condition is usually chronic, and frequently manifests after eating any of a range of exacerbating foods, or during times of stress, illness, or hormonal surges mainly in women.

Foods that sometimes cause irritation, burning or slight swelling of the tongue include tomato, eggplant, walnuts, sharp cheeses, spicy foods, sour foods, mint, candy and citrus

Of all the symptoms of pregnancy, this one is not on the list. I developed it a few weeks ago and it continues to cause a burning sensation whenever I eat. I try to ignore the fact that my tongue looks like a road map of New York City and I continue to eat what I like which are all the aforementioned foods above however the burning sensation seems to be getting worse.  Although treatment is usually unnecessary, I believe I might have to find an antihistamine to try and relieve the burning.

If you are aware of the many symptoms of pregnancy, well, I’ve have and continue to experience many of them including: chronic back pain, an incessant urge to use the bathroom, bleeding gums, bloody nose, leg cramps, and of course nausea. 

About a month ago, my husband looked at me inquisitively and asked, “Have you always had that mole on your face?” All I could do was laugh, it literally appeared overnight and has been growing with my belly ever since (due to the extra hormones). If it continues to rise beyond the surface and demand that everyone acknowledge it, I should give it a name, but all the names I can think of are rather inappropriate.  If it does not disappear (as the doctor suspects it will) the mole will be the first thing to go after delivery.

With my baby lying so low in my belly, she had been using my bladder as her pillow. Every time she moves, I waddle as fast as I can to empty my bladder before it empties itself (which I heard is just another symptom in the latter part of pregnancy). 

With three and a half more months to go, I can only imagine what else might evolve.  Even with all these unpleasant symptoms and strange ailments, I am beaming with joy and I continue to give thanks to God for every day of my pregnancy.

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