Saturday, December 21, 2013

All Things Christmas

Hark! The herald angels sing, glory to the new born king! Christmas is my favorite times of year. I get to spend extra time with friends and family, my home feels a little cozier with all of the decorations, and the holiday music that can be heard throughout my house brings me an everlasting joy.

I am blessed to be married to a man who enjoys all things Christmas just as much as I do. When I pulled out the lights on Thanksgiving Day, he went right to work putting them up on the outside of our house. Even after having to go to Home Depot twice during our lighting ceremony, he never complained and appeared to be jollier than old Saint Nick.

Of course, this year’s Christmas will be even brighter and memorable with Alexa. At six months, she is filled with wonderment. She seems mesmerized by the lights and loves to touch the live Christmas tree. Her favorite thing is ripping and eating paper which will certainly make opening gifts so much fun. 

Besides all the Christmas glitter and sparkles, Alexa is very interested in eating. She welcomes anything that she can put in her mouth. At 18 pounds and 27 inches long, she definitely has a healthy appetite. Her favorite foods would have to be carrots and bananas. I’m expanding her pallet by introducing her to some mashed cauliflower, lentil beans and pasta. I also intend to give Alexa a little bit of the Prime Rib broth we’re having on Christmas day which is a tradition in Rich’s family.

Speaking of traditions, we want to start some of our own Christmas traditions that we can share with our daughter. While living in San Diego, Rich and I would visit the Hotel Del Coronado at Christmas time. We would go ice skating on the rink that was right on the beach all while enjoying the beautiful lights and the smells of pine and cinnamon. We would also drive around the neighborhoods  and look at all the fascinating Christmas lights displays. I have my own tradition of watching the Sound of Music and It’s a Wonderful Life which I have done for the last umpteen years.  

 I know many of you have established some great traditions and I would love to know what favorite Christmas traditions you share with your family?

 As our family celebrates the birth of our savior, we hope however you celebrate; you have all the timeless treasures of Christmas... the warmth of home, the love of family and endless blessings in the New Year.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Fearless Mom

I enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes with defying something that someone thinks is too dangerous. Even as a young girl, growing up in Florida, I was fearless. I remember climbing the tallest trees, playing with my friends in the underground rain gutters, and catching snakes - even the poisonous ones. I heard my Mom shout many times that I almost gave her a heart attack.  As I grew into adulthood, I ventured into rock climbing, repelling, trapeze classes, wake boarding, surfing, white water rafting, and downhill skiing.

Tallest Water Slide
I recently read that the tallest water slide is being built in Kansas City. When I saw the slide, my heart started pounding hard and fast as it does whenever I try something new. I imagined the thrill of falling 17 stories (taller than the Statute of Liberty) straight down halting in a pool of water. Even as a new mother, in my forties, I still want to experience the rush so I just added this ride to my bucket list.

I would venture to say that motherhood offers me the same heart pounding feeling. In the almost six months of being a new mom, I have felt fear, worry, panic and far bigger adrenaline rushes than any water slide could ever provide. I recall the one time that we didn't strap Alexa into her bouncy chair; she slid right on to the hard wood floor. In less than a second I was at her aid checking every inch of her for a scrape, a bump or bruise; thank goodness she was fine.

Just yesterday, we took Alexa to the big indoor wave pool for her cousin's 4th birthday. I watched as the birthday boy, Rhett dared his friends to jump into the deep end of the pool. This young boy pushed my panic button several times when he climbed up a ladder, jumped off the counter-top and attempted to flip on the bed. Even though he’s not my child, I held my breath, gasped at every attempt and even screamed the very words my mom told me, you almost gave me a heart attack!

Alexa is still very young, yet I often find myself worrying about her health and safety.  I don’t want to be that mother who hovers like a helicopter over my child in fear. God commands us to “fear not” to be strong and courageous in all areas of life, including motherhood. Living without fear is easier said than done.

Mastered Sitting

“Fear not!” is the most repeated command in the Bible. To be free of fear I have to eliminate the habits of fear-based thinking and rely on God’s Word.
I know that there will always be those momentary surges of adrenaline when Alexa scares me with her attempts at new and daring feats. If she's anything like me, I'm in trouble. It’s natural for mothers to worry however I want to be a “fearless” Mom. I’ve learned that the only way for me to stop fear from creeping in is to pray, read the scriptures and cast my fears, doubts, and worries to Him.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Key to Fulfillment is Gratitude

5 months and already has two teeth
When I worked for Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker, I was exposed to some profound wisdom. One topic Mr. Robbins would often discuss in his seminars is fulfillment. He believes if more people focused on their journey through life and not so much on achievement, they would experience fulfillment. And the key to fulfillment is gratitude.  When we give thanks and express gratitude in all things, it makes us appreciate what we have been given. I just read a recent article explaining the steps Tony Robbins takes every day to achieve 15 minutes of fulfillment. The world would be a better place if more people would count their blessings. I’ve provided the link to the article

Although I do often pause to appreciate what I have in life, I have not established a morning habit of giving thanks. Everything that I am or that I possess is because of God’s loving kindness. After all, there are many verses in the bible about giving thanks such as “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thess. 5:18).
My baby duck
Since November is a month of gratitude, I’ve provided my list of 30 days of what I am thankful for;  as well; I am making a commitment to start each day with a prayer of thanks along with a few of Tony Robbins’ recommended affirmations.

I am thankful for:

1.      God’s grace and mercy
2.      My health
3.      The gift of marriage and my devoted husband, who continually builds me up
4.      My beautiful daughter and getting to witness her growth and development
5.      My family-parents, in-laws, sister, nieces, and nephews
6.      This country and my freedom
7.      The men and women who fight for our freedom
8.      Clean water
9.      Electricity and heat
10.  The ability to love and be loved
11.  My education
12.  Clean air
13.  The weather-fall, winter, summer, spring - I love to witness the change of seasons
14.  My wonderful friends, you’ve been my rock through life’s ups and downs
15.  Breathtaking sunrises and sunsets that make me stand in awe of God's creative abilities
16.  Laughter, it is the best medicine
17.  Technology – my car, my phone and my computer
18.  My job, I am blessed to work from home three days a week
19.  My two dogs, they truly exemplify unconditional love
20.  Miracles because they really do happen
21.  Music and dancing, two things that really make me happy
22.  Exercise because it is the best natural high
23.  Sports - oh how I love football, baseball, tennis, and volleyball
24.  Volunteering, I love giving my time to worthy causes
25.  Giving, I think that is why I’m always broke; it brings my great joy to give
26.  Food including dessert
27.  The beach for its power and beauty
28.  Sleep, I love waking up refreshed
29.  My mistakes because they help me improve and become better
30.  Life – for giving me the chance to experience new and exciting things

Just writing my list has filled me with so much joy! It's no wonder why God tells us to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in everything.

What are you thankful for?