Monday, November 19, 2012

The Blob is Alive

October 26th, 2012
First Ultra Sound

Nervous, scared, excited, yes, these were all the feelings I was having as I laid on the table. We had not made it pass six weeks (miscarriages) and I was six weeks six days pregnant according to my DOP.

My sweet hubby was holding my hand, I could barely breath as I watched the ultra sound tech's face. She seemed a bit concerned that she wasn't getting a clear view of the baby. She said that she would need to do a vaginal ultra sound since I was really early. This would help her get a better picture.

She then explained that my uterus was retroverted which positioned my uterus more towards my back. That is why she was not able to see the baby using the tummy ultra sound.

Then she showed us the blob. There it was, this perfect, little, peanut with a heartbeat. I let out my breath and thanked God for this miracle. both my hubby and I were just thrilled that everything appeared normal.

 Seeing that heartbeat provided some relief but I find myself preparing for the worst. I wonder will that worry ever go away?

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