Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Our Little Piece of Heaven

This is a long overdue post that I have been meaning to write for days.  I figured most of you would understand as we are in awe of God's new blessing in our life.  We can't get enough!
She came into this world on Sunday, June 9th. The moment I held her, my heart filled with an immeasurable amount of love that is indescribable.
I went into the hospital at 6pm on Saturday night to start the induction process. All week, I had been praying that God would start my contractions prior to being induced. Unbeknownst to me, I was having mild contractions that were 5 minutes apart when I finally got hooked up to the monitor. I was delighted but discouraged because my cervix had not even dilated. For the rest of the night, I laid there feeling every contraction but it was not bad at all.  In the morning, they checked my cervix and it went from a pin-size opening to a punch-hole size opening so they started me on Pitocin. By 10am, my cervix had opened just enough for the doctor to break my water. And that’s when I felt pain like I’ve never experienced. I prayed through every contraction that God would help me get through it and he did by sending an angel in white. He eased my suffering with an epidural. From that point on, I was able to relax, enjoy the family who was there to celebrate this miracle. At 2pm, Alexa (“Lexi”)Rae graced the world with her presence.
 I’m enjoying motherhood to the fullest. She is such a good sleeper and has what seems to be a never-ending appetite. I’ve had some challenges with breast feeding but have found a solution by supplementing with formula. I love the times when she is awake and we engage in conversation, songs, prayers and little leg exercises. She seems to be very alert and every day she is doing something new.
There is a joy in my heart that was never there before; she adds so much to our lives and I am embracing every moment I can with her.  
I am so grateful to each of you who prayed, offered support and encouraged me through this amazing journey. As I close this chapter on pregnancy and birth, I begin the next with a prayer of thankfulness for this precious gift.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Harry, Scary and Cherry

A while back, I posted about this giant mole that was taking over the right side of my cheek.  Well, over the course of the last month, I have had two more of these beasts pop-up overnight, obviously uninvited. They settled in the most inappropriate places – the middle of my chest and on the left side of my temple just under my hairline. The problem with these types of growths is that they bleed profusely. They are called Cherry Angoimas.  Anytime I brushed my hair, I would barely bump the thing and it would bleed; same for the one growing right in the middle of my chest.  It seemed every time they bled, they grew even bigger.
Truth be told…my birthmark which is vascular in nature and all these really cool pregnancy hormones joined forces to create these large, fast growing, unsightly growths which I have comically named, Harry, Scary and Cherry.
Really, it didn’t take much for these things to start and it took much effort to get them to stop. I could have given a pint of blood with just one.
I am happy to report that I had them removed today! I am relieved to know that when my baby arrives and is placed on my chest, I won’t have to worry about it bleeding.
Perhaps this is too much information for some, but it is what it is.  I’m delighted that I can move on and I don’t have to worry about them anymore. I pray that there won’t be any more overnight appearances in these final days.

 A little over a week left and I'm doing well, bandages and all.

Hubby appearing calm