Friday, January 25, 2013

Tears of Joy!

As I lay watching the ultra sound image on the screen, I am suddenly overcome with tears of joy. Not because of the news of having a girl, but for the amazing perfect little life that is inside of me.

While the ultra sound tech examined the images, I was checking off my own concerns; the heart all four ventricles could be seen clearly - check; the stomach, bladder, kidneys were all where they should be - check; and the brain and face had no visible malformations. PRAISE GOD!

What man has done with technology continues to amaze me and in this case, I am blown away. I had no idea that 3-D images can be taken of the baby. Her little hand near her face is just a remarkable image and one that I will cherish forever.

  • 5 months pregnant
  • Baby is 12 ounces
  • Length 10 inches
  • Baby is the size of a mango
  • Boobs feel like the size of cantaloupes 
  • Gained 5 pounds
  •  Feeling great

Getting such great news has made focusing on work extremely difficult. I've had to stop several times to wipe away the tears that keep streaming down my face. I am relieved, finally!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tiny Sensations

January 15th

Today, I felt those tiny sensations known as fetal movements. It happened several times while sitting at my desk. I thought at first it might be bloating (which is what I seem to always feel) but then this felt different and it happened a few more times which made me realize it was the baby. It wasn't strong but it certainly made me stop and wait to feel another one.

It felt like a gurgle of air or rather a bubble that popped.

Here I am at 18 weeks. I'm not sure what's growing more rapidly my boobs or my bump.  I can no longer fit into my regular jeans or work clothes. I'm learning to be creative with what I have and what's been given to me. I don't really find many maternity clothes flattering but admittedly I'm comfortable.

Just another symbolic milestone in this journey.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings!

January 9, 2013

I am so blessed and thankful for everything God has done in my life. He's given me so much to be grateful for especially the arrival of our baby.

Today, I am 17 weeks and 4 days. I have not felt the baby move yet, but looking forward to the day when I do. My belly has popped out farther than I expected at this point, however I appreciate being able to see something.

I bought a Doppler that allows me to hear the baby's heartbeat. Every other evening, I listen to that wonderful, reassuring sound. This week, the baby is able to hear sounds, so I've made it a point to start talking to my baby or sing (not sure the baby likes that).

In two weeks on January 25th, I will have my 20 week ultra sound. We will find out the gender of the baby and we will also learn about the growth and well-being of Baby Wolf. It's hard not to be anxious about this appointment and excited at the same time.

For the first time in my life, I am really trusting in the Lord - something I have not been good at in the past. I keep reciting Philippians 4:6, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

If for some reason, something is wrong, I know God is in control and he has a plan. Though hearing unpleasant news is never easy, I feel prepared to deal with it albeit we continue to pray for a healthy baby.